Springdale Farm

Sheep Shearing Festival 2024


10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturday, April 27

Bring the family to visit our barnyard friends and enjoy: sheep shearing, wool spinning and dyeing demonstrations, a reptile show, Riedman Robotic Milking Center tours, arts and crafts sponsored by Howard Hanna, face painting, fishing on the pond, a bounce house, the petting zoo, a children’s greenhouse project and food trucks.

Admission: $8 for children and adults, Children under age 2 are free!

Event entry is at the front lot near the red barns.

700 Colby Street, Spencerport, NY 14559  |  (585) 349-2090

It’s just a 15-minute drive from Rochester.

Springdale Farm is part of Northampton Park and is operated by Heritage Christian Services and owned by Monroe County.